My philosophy in life, and the philosophy I have carried over into my company's values, is to LIVE A LIFE OF COLOUR. I don't believe we should take life too seriously (when possible, some things will have to be serious).
Life is just too short. Let's enjoy the wonderful things this life has to offer us, there is so much! Embrace the beauty. Don't sweat the small stuff. Live out loud. Be silly. Laugh A LOT. Love A LOT. Do what inspires you. Surround yourself with good people. Get messy. MAKE ART.
I believe everyone has a creative child inside them that needs to be unleashed. I am certainly not a professional artist but I LOVE BEING CREATIVE. I FLOW when I am being creative. I don't check my phone, I don't look at the time, I don't think about what else I should be doing...I FLOW.
I want to make art accessible to everyone and show them that "YOU too can be creative" Just pick up the pen, the pencil, the paint, the brush, the glue, the scissors, the beads, the tiles...whatever it is, and DO.
I hope to bring more art into everyone's homes, and to inspire you to live a Life of Colour.